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Forum Posts

Feb 05, 2022
In Medical Forum
Email Marketing Increases Ecuador Email List Conversion Rates Email marketing is one of the most, if not the most, effective forms of marketing. Email marketing Ecuador Email List still enjoys a higher (return on investment) than any other online marketing method. The conversion rate for email marketing is shown to be 4% to 7% over time. That's because a prospect needs to see your Ecuador Email List message 7 to 8 times before they trust you enough to buy something. Email is the perfect way to do that.Email Marketing Creates Repeat Customers The best way to increase sales is to keep your customers Ecuador Email List happy so that they become repeat customers. It costs 6 to 7 times more to get a new customer than keep an existing one. When somebody has purchased a product from Ecuador Email List you and you have their email, you can now email them special deals and more value. Email Ecuador Email List marketing tells your customers about other offerings that they may be interested in. We all love to feel special and everyone loves a bargain.Email Keeps You Super Close to Your Customers How often do you check your email? Once a day, twice a day, every hour Ecuador Email List or more? Email marketing gives you the ability to send messages to your customers any time of the day.There is no set formula on how often you should send an Ecuador Email List to your subscribers. You need to find a pattern and frequency that works Ecuador Email List best for your business. Your emails should always provide value to your subscribers. If you constantly keep trying to sell to them, they will start to regard you as an interruption and start to unsubscribe from your list.
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